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Must Have Graphic Novels

Sandman TPB Vol 1 Preludes and Nocturns


Sandman TPB Vol 1 Preludes and Nocturns


(W) Neil Gaiman (A) Sam Kieth & Various (CA) Dave McKean

  The first volume collecting Neil Gaiman's seminal horror series is available in a new edition featuring the improved production values and coloring from the Absolute Edition.
In PRELUDES & NOCTURNES, collecting issues #1-8, an occultist attempting to capture Death to bargain for eternal life traps Death's younger brother Dream instead. After his 70-year imprisonment and eventual escape, Morpheus goes on a quest for his lost objects of power. On his arduous journey Morpheus encounters Lucifer, John Constantine and an all-powerful madman. This book also includes the story "The Sound of Her Wings" which introduces the pragmatic, perky Death.

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