The Comic Brick
The Comic Brick
Exclusive to the Adelaide Comics Centre is "The Comic Brick", a new gift idea for comic book fans.
The Comic Brick is an assortment of comic genres and titles guaranteed to broaden your comic collection.
For the absolute beginner The Comic Brick will have your first variant comic, at least one #1 issue, one complete mini-series and 30 varied comics. That is 35 or more comics (over $190 of value) for $50.
When ordering "The Comic Brick" you can select a choice of the type of brick you want.
THE COMIC BRICK: Has one variant comic worth $10 or more, one #1 issue and a complete mini-series. Also included are 30 assorted comics made up of 10 Marvel comics, 10 DC and 10 Independent comic titles. Everything in the brick is rated Teen and Teen+.
FOR KIDS: We have a "COMIC PACK for KIDS" where you'll find
10 assorted kid friendly comics, all rated A for “ALL AGES”.
For Kids we also recommend THE NOTHING-BUT-SUPERHERO COMIC BRICK. You get 30 assorted “superhero” comics including 1 x bagged and boarded Variant and 1 x bagged and boarded First Issue. (Please note most of these comics are rate T for TEENS.)
In THE ALL MARVEL COMIC BRICK you have 30 assorted Marvel titles including 1 x bagged and boarded Variant and 1 x bagged and boarded First Issue,
In THE ALL DC COMIC BRICK you have 30 assorted DC titles including 1 x bagged and boarded Variant and 1 x bagged and boarded First Issue,
In THE INDEPENDENT CO. COMIC BRICK you have 30 assorted titles from various Independent companies (i.e. BOOM, IMAGE, DARK HORSE, DYNAMITE, IDW, etc) also including 1 x bagged and boarded Variant and 1 x bagged and boarded First Issue,
"THE CUSTOMIZED GIFT BRICK: For an Extra $10, when ordering this custom brick you can send us some ideas of what you would like to see in the brick. (eg. Super Hero, mostly Marvel, mostly DC, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Crime/Noir, Fantasy, Horror, etc.)
For this Brick you can substitute the variant for a comic from the month and year that you were born.
This Brick makes an ideal stocking filler or that next birthday gift idea. Over $190 value for just $50!
For all our BRICKS postage is available if you can't come in to pick one up.
Some titles in this Brick may have a "Parental Advisory Warning.
Please note: All comic brick orders can take 24-48 hours as they are all custom made unless we have one already made up.